Shana Tova

L’shanah tovah or Shana Tova Used as a greeting during Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe, Also used, simply “shanah tovah” (שָׁנָה טוֹבָה), meaning “a good year“, or “shanah tovah u’metukah” (שָׁנָה טוֹבָה וּמְתוּקָה) meaning “a good and sweet year”. (

This year, this “Jewish New Year,” I have a renewed spirit and hope for the upcoming days. I reflect on my life, specifically, the last few months, and see what a long way we have come as a family.

We have endured a traumatic, life changing challenge, but we have powered through it without blinking.

While this Jewish New Year is just beginning, it is a time to reflect on ourselves.

It is also a time to repent or say our sorry to anyone we feel we may have wronged.

This year feels a little different.

This year, I am apologizing to myself.

I am sorry for doubting my capabilities as a mother to two children.

I am sorry for the days when I just didn’t feel like I wanted to “mom,” and I just wanted to be alone. That is OK that I had those feelings, so I apologize for feeling guilt about it.

I am sorry for feeling sorry for myself. Look at what we have accomplished; a social media awareness, some upcoming BIG opportunities to spread more awareness (stay tuned), seeing our family grow and change, and so many other wonderful things.

I am sorry for comparing you, Hailey, to other children. I am sorry that I felt guilt for that.

With that, I look forward to a wonderful year ahead full of positivity, light, laughter, SCIENCE ADVANCEMENTS, good health, and love.

To my friends who celebrate, and to those who don’t…L’ Shana Tova.