She is so small, she doesn’t know what to do on the swing like the other kids, but I will protect her .I want Hailey to come with me.
Oh. My. Heart. Cannot. Take. It.
How is my Noah so wise beyond his years? He knows that his sister struggles with certain things, but he also knows that he has the means to help her.
Noah requested that we bring his sister to the playground, which, within itself, was ground breaking. Up until recently, he has been immersed in everything and anything centered around “Noah.” But here we were…he is now so aware of his sister and so interested in including, loving, and protecting her.
Sure, I have always envisioned the sibling relationship to be different. When I found out I was having my second child, I already made imaginary plans comprised of matching outfits, family activities, and so many preconceived notions of what should be.
Those visions drastically shifted the moment Hailey arrived.
I remember when we put away the baby gates that we used to keep Noah in one space. I thought about how one day, we would have to take them out again for our second child. It annoyed me to think of how it would change the aesthetic of the room.
We have not pulled out those gates (yet) as Hailey is not exploring all the spaces that I would expect she should be at this age.
What I wouldn’t give to HAVE to take those gates out again.
The cute pictures of my children in matching clothing was my first thought when I found out I was pregnant with Hailey. The coordinated family pictures that everyone would force a smile for even after begging and pleading with them.
If only you could be behind the scenes. Those pictures happen- but it seems to be a much more tedious task that I had originally intended. It takes multiple shots, lots of chocolate bribery, and a heck of lot of patience to snap just one picture in which they are somewhat looking at the camera. Placing Hailey in the perfect spot, just to make sure she doesn’t slide down or “flop” over is always a task within itself.
Life looks a little different than what I had planned, hoped, or prayed for. But, it is so crucial to look at the changes in a different way. We all worry about our children, whether they are typical or have medical needs and differences. We worry for their safety, their acceptance, that they are thriving, and mostly, that they are happy.
The way Noah looks at her and the way she looks at him. There is no denying the love and friendship they have built and will continue to grow.
A good friend of mine said to me the other day, I know that it is hard to see Hailey struggling at times, for you, but for her, she is happy. Noah and Hailey are happy. My children are happy. And that my friends, is most of the battle. I have done something right because they are truly, unconditionally, happy.
Of course they are happy! Look at their parents! Noah & Hailey are both amazing children in their own ways & they have amazing parents! Like you said whether your children are typical or not, what matters is that they are happy & it’s obvious the love that exudes from both of them is undeniable! 💗💞😘