boy and girl laying down

A Breakthrough for Mama

I  worried about going into public and what it would be like. The pandemic created this sheltered life, a bubble.. we had our circle of friends who knew. How do I Introduce my children? This is Noah- he is almost four…this is Hailey, she just turned one…oh and she has Jordan’s Syndrome.

Would someone ask me?

Would they stare a little too long…?

We went to  Noah’s soccer game, my husband, Hailey girl, and our dog, Bailey (yes we named our dog Bailey and our child Hailey…no, it was not intentional)!

When we arrived, Noah ran off into the field. I looked around, and I was left alone with Hailey in her stroller. I worried that someone would come up to me and ask her how old she was. Is she walking yet? No. Is she talking yet? No. Is she eating solids yet? No.

It wasn’t but two minutes later when someone came up to me and said… “Do I comment on how cute your puppy is or how gorgeous this little baby girl is?”

Wait…that’s it? No other questions? I was shocked and waiting for the questions, but they never came.

Thanks. This is Hailey! It was that easy.

This individual normalized it for me and didn’t even know the most positive impact he had on the smallest moment. He probably never gave that moment another thought. But for me, it was everything.

She is Hailey. She happens to have a rare genetic syndrome that is a huge part of her life. But that is not the only thing that defines her.

And there it was, a breakthrough for her mama.